e-ISSN 2459-1726
Turkish Endodontic Journal (TEJ) - Turk Endod J: 4 (1)
Volume: 4  Issue: 1 - 2019

Page I

2.Bending cyclic fatigue failure test, comparison of two motions: Continuous rotation versus reciprocating motion
Aline A Krah Sinan, Nwon Marie Adou-Assoumou, Stéphane Xavier Djolé, Bernadette Brigitte Akon-Laba, Franck Diemer, Marie Georgelin-Gurgel
doi: 10.14744/TEJ.2019.79553  Pages 1 - 5
Objective: In endodontic therapy, reciprocating motion is presented as being able to limit instrument fatigue. The aim of this work was to compare endodontic files used in continuous rotation during two types of motion: continuous rotation and reciprocating.
Methods: Seventy two instruments from six systems [MTwo (VDW), ProTaper (Dentsply-Maillefer), RaCe (FKG), HERO 642, HeroShaper, and RevoS (Micro-Mega)] were tested. All these instruments had a 6% taper, a size 25 tip, and a length of 25 mm, except the ProTaper, which was an F2. Each file was mounted on an i-ENDO Dual motor (ACTEON), then subjected to bending fatigue on a fatigue test bench composed of a hollow steel tube with a 60° bend, in which the instrument was set in either continuous rotation or reciprocating motion at the same speed. The time to fracture was recorded in seconds using a chronometer. Analysis of variance and a Wilcoxon non-parametric test with an alpha risk fixed at 5% were done.
Results: Reciprocating motion preserved the instruments better than continuous rotation did with significant differences (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Ni-Ti files break less fast in reciprocating motion than in continuous rotation.

3.Multidisciplinary management of homozygous sickle cell patients: Dental treatment pathologies and needs
Yolande Gnagne koffi, Stéphane Xavier Djolé, Marie Chantal Avoaka-Boni, Guillaume Loukou, Douni Sawadogo
doi: 10.14744/TEJ.2019.36036  Pages 6 - 10
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the oral state of patients with homozygous sickle cell disease (SSD) to identify preventive and curative care needs.
Methods: Our study was carried out in the first Clinical Hematology service in West Africa in the Yopougon University Hospital (Abidjan- Côte d’Ivoire). A retrospective analysis of SS patients’ records followed by interviews and dental screenings was carried out. The data collected was processed with the use of EPI Info software version 6.01.
Results: Sixty patients were examined. Detected pathologies were chronic pulpitis (33%), dentinal sensitivity (23%), chronic apical periodontitis (17%), and pulpal necrosis (10%). Dental care needs were surgical (14%), prosthetic (16%), conservative (24%) and prophylactic (46%).
Conclusion: The importance of this work is to propose a dental management of patients with homozygous sickle cell disease.

4.Survival of a hopeless tooth: A case report with 7 years of follow-up
Makbule Bilge Akbulut, Ceyhun Arıcıoğlu, Mehmet Burak Güneşer, Ayce Ünverdi Eldeniz
doi: 10.14744/TEJ.2019.97752  Pages 11 - 15
Kron-kök kırığı genellikle diş eti seviyesinin altında diş kronunun kaybıyla sonuçlanır ve tedavisinde pek çok problemle karşılaşılabilir. Bu vaka raporunda komplike kron-kök kırıklı bir dişin tedavisinde, kronun cerrahi olarak uzatılması, kök kanal tedavisi ve kompozit kron restorasyonu aşamalarını içeren multidisipliner tedavi yaklaşımı anlatılmaktadır. 23 yaşındaki erkek hasta Endodonti Kliniği’ne sağ üst lateral kesici dişindeki komplike kron-kök kırığı nedeniyle başvurdu. Ağız içi periapikal radyografik değerlendirmede koronal diş yapısının kaybı, oblik uzanan üç farklı kron-kök kırık hattı ve periapikal lezyon saptandı. Öncelikle kök kanalı prepare edildi, temizlendi ve kalsiyum hidroksit ile geçici olarak dolduruldu, sonrasında kırık parçalar kompozit rezin ile sabitlendi. Bir sonraki seansta, cerrahi ekstrüzyon gerçekleştirildi ve dişler Ribbond ile splintlendi. Splint 8 hafta sonra söküldü ve kök kanal dolgusu tamamlandı. Son olarak, diş fiber post-kor sistem ve kompozit rezin ile restore edildi. Yedi yıllık takip sonunda, ankiloz, marjinal kemik kaybı ya da periapikal hastalığın hiçbir radyografik ve klinik işaretine rastlanmadı ve tatmin edici fonksiyonel ve estetik sonuçlar gözlendi.
A crown-root fracture usually results in the loss of the tooth crown below the gingival margin, and this can create many problems during treatment. This case report presents the management of a complicated crown-root fracture using a multidisciplinary approach including surgical extrusion for crown lengthening, endodontic treatment and a composite restoration. A 23-year-old male patient presented to the Clinic of Endodontics with a complicated crown-root fracture of right maxillary lateral incisor. The intraoral periapical radiographic examination showed coronal tooth loss, the presence of three oblique crown-root fractures and a periapical lesion. Initially, the root canal was prepared, cleaned and temporarily filled with calcium hydroxide; then, the fractures were fixed using composite resin. At the next appointment, a surgical extrusion was performed, and the teeth were splinted with Ribbond bondable reinforcement ribbon. The splint was removed after 8 weeks, and the root canal was obturated. Finally, the tooth was restored using a fibre post-core system and composite resin. After 7 years of follow-up examinations, there were no radiographic or clinical signs of ankylosis, marginal bone loss or periapical disease. Moreover, satisfactory functional and aesthetic outcomes were observed.

5.Fusarium infection of the maxillary sinus as a complication of overfilling of endodontic treatment: a case report
Nesrin Saruhan, Müge Aslan, Görkem Tekin, Ergin Öztürk, Günay Gojayeva
doi: 10.14744/TEJ.2018.29292  Pages 16 - 18
Fusarium enfeksiyonları, maksiller sinüste nadiren görülmektedir.. Fusarium enfeksiyonları genellikle uzun süreli antibiyotik tedavileri, yüz travmaları, hipoksi ve anaerobik koşullara neden olan burun tıkanıklığı ve kök kanal tedavisi sonrası endodontik materyal ile endosinal penetrasyon sonrasında görülmektedir. Bu vaka raporunun amacı, fusarium enfeksiyonlarından kaynaklanan maksillar sinüsteki yabancı maddelerin Caldwell-Luc cerrahisi ile tedavisini sunmaktır. 32 yaşında kadın hasta kliniğimize endodontik tedavi sonrası ciddi ağrı ile başvurdu. Klinik ve radyolojik bulgular sonucunda sol maksiller sinüste radyoopak materyal bulundu. Fusarium ile ilişkili radyoopak materyal Caldwell-Luc cerrahisi ile çıkarıldı. Radyolojik ve klinik takiplerde postoperatif komplikasyon görülmedi. Maksiller sinüste fusarium enfeksiyonlarına bağlı yabancı maddelerin uzaklaştırılmasında kullanılan Caldwell-Luc cerrahisi güvenli, komplike olmayan, basit, hızlı ve başarılı bir yöntemdir.
Fusarium infections are rarely seen in maxillary sinus. When fusarium infections are seen; often is associated with lengthy antibiotic treatments, facial traumatic, nasal obstruction causing hypoxia and anaerobic conditions, and endosinal penetration with endodontic material after root canal treatment. The purpose of this case report is to present the treatment of foreign substances due to fusarium infections of the maxillary sinus with Caldwell-Luc procedure. 32-year-old female patient was admitted to our clinic with severe pain after endodontic treatment. At the result of the clinical and radiological findings, radiopaque material was found in left maxillary sinus. Fusarium-associated radiopaque material was removed by Caldwell-Luc surgery. Postoperative complications were not observed during radiological and clinical follow-up. Caldwell-Luc surgery, which is used for the removal of foreign substances related to fusarium infections in the maxillary sinus, is safe, less complicated, simple, rapid and successful method

6.Mandibular second premolar with Vertucci Type II root canal morphological system: a case report
Yelda Erdem Hepşenoğlu, Şeyda Erşahan
doi: 10.14744/TEJ.2018.18189  Pages 19 - 22
Giriş: Kök kanal tedavisinin başarısı doğru giriş kavitesi, yeterli temizleme-şekillendirme ve tam doldurmaya bağlıdır. Bunlardan önce, dişte var olan tüm kanallarının yeri başlangıç tedavi işlemlerinde önemli rol oynar. Çoğu diş normal bir morfolojiye sahipken, varyasyonların var olduğunu kabul etmeliyiz. Mandibuler premolarlar kompleks anatomic anormalliklerle bildirilmiştir, bu da onları endodontik olarak yönetmek için en zor dişlerden biri haline getirmektedir. Amaç: İki kök kanallı ve bir apical foramenli (Vertucci Tip II) bir mandibular ikinci premoların endodontik tedavisi açıklandı. Olgu Sunumu: Önemli olmayan tıbbi öyküsü olan 13 yaşında bir kadın, mandibular sağ ikinci premolarda ağrı şikayeti ile başvurdu. Ağrı uykusunu bozdu ve termal uyaranın kaldırılmasından sonra bile birkaç dakika devam etti. Klinik muayene ve testler dişte perküsyon hassasiyetini açığa çıkardı. Semptomatik apikal periodontitisli irreversible pulpitis klinik tanısı kondu ve standart protokolleri takip ederk kök kanal tedavisi uygulandı. Sonuç: Mandibuler premolarlarda bir kök ve iki kanalın görülme sıklığı çok düşük olsa da, hekim bu tür vakaların düzgün yönetimi için kök ve kanal sayısındaki değişikliklerden daima haberdar olmalıdır.
Successful root canal treatment relies on correct access cavity preparation, sufficient cleaning, adequate shaping, and complete obturation. Prior to these, location of all canals in the tooth plays an important part in the initial treatment procedures. While most teeth have a normal morphology, we should recognize that variations do exist. Mandibular premolars have been reported with complex anatomical aberrations, making them one of the most difficult teeth to manage endodontically. A case of endodontic treatment of a mandibular second premolar with two root canals and one apical foramen (Vertucci Type II) was described. A 13-year-old female presented with a chief complaint of pain in the mandibular right second premolar. The pain disturbed her sleep and lingered for several minutes even after removal of a thermal stimulus. Clinical examination revealed tenderness to percussion in the tooth. A clinical diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis was made and root canal therapy was performed following the standard protocols. Although the prevalence of one root and two canals in mandibular premolars is very low, the clinician should always be mindful of variations in the number of roots and canals for proper management of such cases.

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