e-ISSN 2459-1726
Cyclic fatigue resistance of WaveOne Gold Glider and TruNatomy Glider glide path instruments in double curvature canals [Turk Endod J]
Turk Endod J. 2021; 6(3): 67-70 | DOI: 10.14744/TEJ.2021.21931

Cyclic fatigue resistance of WaveOne Gold Glider and TruNatomy Glider glide path instruments in double curvature canals

Damla Kırıcı, Öznur Güçlüer
Department of Endodontics, Akdeniz University Faculty of Dentistry, Antalya, Turkey

Purpose: This study aims to compare the cyclic fatigue resistance of the WaveOne Gold Glider and TruNatomy Glider files in artificial double curvature canals.
Methods: This study includes 12 WaveOne Gold Glider (15.02 v) and 12 TruNatomy Glider (17.02 v) nickel–titanium files (Ni-Ti), which were all used according to the manufacturer’s instructions until they were broken in artificial double curvature canals. The artificial double curvature canals used in the study were made of stainless steel. The fracture time was recorded using a digital stopwatch. The rotation number until fracture was also calculated. Moreover, the lengths of the broken pieces were recorded. Data were statistically analyzed using an independent sample t-test.
Results: The number of rotations until fracture for the WaveOne Gold Glider file was noted to be higher when compared to that of the TruNatomy Glider file. Statistically significant difference was found between the two groups (p< 0.05). No statistically significant difference was determined between the two groups in terms of the lengths of the fragments (p> 0.05).
Conclusion: As per our findings, the resistance of the WaveOne Gold Glider Ni–Ti file to cyclic fatigue in double curved canals was found to be higher than that of the TruNatomy Glider Ni–Ti file.

Keywords: Cyclic fatigue, double curvature, TruNatomy Glider, WaveOne Gold Glider.

Corresponding Author: Damla Kırıcı, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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